A personal message from Stockopedia CEO Ed Croft - a former Company REFS Subscriber
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An online Stock Analysis, Screening & Portfolio Tracking Service, originally inspired by the work of Company REFS
Thousands of StockReports across UK and global shares including all the essential statistics in a familiar 1 page format - described as “an absolute delight” by David Stevenson in the Financial Times.
Access to hundreds of financial ratios, calculated daily, that include Slater-inspired "Rolling" Forecast PE, EPS Growth and Yield Data, including the all-important PEG
A powerful Stock Screener with more than 65 expert investment strategies including a screen using the Zulu Principle rules - the top performing Growth Strategy over the last 6 years.
StockRanks that reveal the Quality, Value and Momentum of every stock in the market, providing an instant numeric assessment of market beating potential. It’s this feature that 73% of Stockopedia subscribers said was most helpful in generating their above market returns in the last year.
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A Style Classification for every stock so you can instantly separate the Value Traps from the Turnarounds.
An active community of more than 10,000 private investors, helping you find inspiration and investment ideas.
The ability to expand your search for growth stocks beyond the confinements of the UK. Find low PEG Stocks all over Europe and the USA for less than the cost of a REFS Subscription.
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After your free trial you'll pay a discounted rate of just £198.75 for the first year of your UK plan. With a 30 day money back guarantee there's absolutely no risk.
After your free trial you'll pay a discounted rate of just £198.75 for the first year of your UK plan. With a 30 day money back guarantee there's absolutely no risk.
Our primary source, Thomson Reuters, employs thousands of analysts who scan, audit & standardise financial data entry into their databases before uploading to their financial cloud.
Throughout the day and night we download these financial statements, analyst estimate data, price quotes & histories and other company information to our databases.
After organising it and cleaning it all up, we then crunch over 60 million computations to build up a library of essential, accurate and timely statistics on every stock. From simple PE Ratios to Piotroski F-Scores.
We then rank and screen the market to filter the wheat from the chaff. The output is then published in brilliant StockReports, GuruScreens, StockRanks and Chart Signals to improve your stock market odds.
Stockopedia is one of the few companies in the world that the markets giant Thomson Reuters partners with to serve the individual investor.
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"Stockopedia is a great place to scan for new shares to buy. Each share gets a ranking, you can use 'guru' screens to find shares, there is even a stock screen loosely based on my criteria! There is lots more really fantastic material and I believe access should help investors and I now use it myself."
After your free trial you'll pay a discounted rate of just £198.75 for the first year of your UK plan. With a 30 day money back guarantee there's absolutely no risk.
*December 2017 survey of Stockopedia Subscribers.
I want to thank all the Stockopedia team for this excellent website and I also want to thank YOU too. The Stockopedia community are a brilliant bunch. So much insight and knowledge; it certainly helps to form a 360 degree view of a stock when there are so many well informed opinions from well respected investors.
Company REFS got into financial difficulties and ended up going into liquidation. Slater Investments & Stockopedia.com made a joint bid for the assets of Company REFS. You can read the press release here
Unfortunately your access to Company REFS has ended when the company went into liquidation. We are unable to provide any continuation of this service or provide refunds. However if you are a former Company REFS subscriber, you can login here to claim your 3 months free Stockopedia access.
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